About Our Vision

Lighthouse Family Network was conceived in the heart of Leona Lambert in 1969 when she and her husband, Lamar, opened their home and family to a five year old boy whose mother was unable to care for him.  Through their efforts, literally hundreds of children have been served and their lives have been changed.

This was the humble beginning of a long journey of great sacrifice that has touched the lives of untold numbers of children.  Leona and Lamar were convinced that with each child was an opportunity to show God’s love and for one more chance to get it right.  They believed that all children deserve a chance and dedicated their lives to that purpose.


Everything at Lighthouse centers around Christ and His call on us.  In that regard, our mission involves Christian foster care.  In addition, our philosophy is centered around family and recognizes the importance of the Foster Parents as the first line of treatment and care.  We equip our Foster Parents with fundamental principals that help them to affect real change in the lives of the children in their care.  In addition to the treatment services provided, we believe that the schools are an integral part to the child’s treatment because education plays such a critical role in the child’s treatment and overall development.

While the majority of our funding comes through a contract with the Texas Department of Family & Protective Services, we also have several corporate friends that donate in many ways to support the children and families in our network.  We also receive generous gifts from private individuals who desire to make an impact on foster children in our care.

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